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Current Clinical Trials
Understanding Side Effects and Clinical Trials
Understanding New Drugs and Their Impact on African-American Health
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Recruitment of Principal and Co-Principal Investigators
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A Cancer Patient’s Guide to Clinical Trials
Black Patients Miss Out On Promising Cancer Drugs
Common Myths About Clinical Trials Every Lupus Patient Should Know
Black Clinical Trials Reference Books
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Are you a member of the National Medical Association or the National Hispanic Medical Association (please specify)?
Are you a member of the National Black Nurses Association or the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (please specify)?
Are you a researcher from any of the historic institutions: Charles R. Drew University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, or Howard University Hospital (please specify)?
Are you currently a principal or co-principal investigator in any current clinical trial?
Are you interested in becoming a principal or co-principal investigator on any clinical trials of your interest?
What is the nature of your clinical research, if currently working on one?
Do you have funding for your clinical research from a third-party source? If so, are you able to disclose funder information?
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Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms
Clinical Trials Forms
For the General public, NBCI members churches, and Congregants
Avoiding Ethical Issues in working with the African-American Community
For African-American, Latino Researchers and Scholars
For Clinical Partners
The National Clinical Trial Strategic Plan
Current Clinical Trials and How you can Participate and Enroll
Understanding Side Effects and Clinical Trials
Understanding New Drugs and Their Impact on African-American Health